What We Believe

What We Believe

The sixty six books of the Bible represents the infallible Word of authority in all points. The Holy Spirit of God reveals its content to the hearts of men.

Jesus Christ is the manifested presence of he Word of God in this earth. He is the only Son of God, born of a virgin, conceived of the Holy Spirit.

The crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of the Son of God to his seat at the right hand of the Farther, ratifies the New Covenant. He is the perfect Lamb of God, who defeated Satan and his kingdom on all points.  As the Bible states, He descended into the lower parts of the earth and then ascended  into Heaven, in a glorified body.

His blood remitted for our sin of all time. All who receive this light and confess it before men, become saved from eternal damnation and separation from God. They become reconciled to Father God. The incorruptible seed of God’s Word is in them. A new spirit man comes alive. This seed is the nature of God.

The Holy Spirit of God has come in fullness upon all the sons of God. All gift and fruit of the Spirit can now become developed. The knowledge of the defeat of evil and the victory of righteousness produces the authority of God’s word in the hearts of believers. This authority causes men to rule and reign in life as kings and priest of the Lord Jesus Christ. The miracle working power of the Holy Spirit is entrusted to them, along with the power of attorney in the name of Jesus.

Repentance, change, and renewal to the mind of Christ, becomes a way of life for every believer.  Life becomes a joy and excitement, seeing that all are free to accept this free gift and new life. Delivering this good news to a lost and dying world is our present occupation.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. The resurrection power has been sent into the earth today to establish the Church, His Body. Through His Church, the gates of hell do not prevail against God’s children. It is this very Church who will usher in His soon coming return. The Bible says that we will be caught away with Him in the clouds, as He appears.

A life of Faith and Obedience produce favor with God. Faith and obedience to God is attaching ourselves to His work in the earth today. This is the beginning of every believer’s life who is following God today.

Attaching oneself to the Vine secures one’s position as a yielded vessel of honor and power. The Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher carry the authority of the Church from the Lord Himself. These are set in the Body by Him, only. Pastors are His under shepherds in the Church, teaching preaching and discharging duties as needed. The other ministry gifts are equally needed. But each has different responsibilities, functions and results. Each should prove his life in the home and local church before expanding to the Body at large. The result is the new vines are planted and remain, producing more fruit.